

Fair warning this is a rant.

I have no desire to be an “influencer” or to be a follower of said people; though in all honesty I did follow a few YouTube channels in getting up to speed with 3D printing.

I’m a Face book Luddite, not in any anti tech sense but firmly believe Face book and its ilk primary function is to mine people’s lives to secure data to make money. We are not using Face Book near as much as Face Book is using us.

It’s a powerful business model; Google’s original motto ‘Do Good’ has morphed into ‘make money’. The rest of the social media are outside my range of experience though I did dabble in Reddit a bit when I desperately wanted to share some boat experience with others. But ultimately Reddit seemed a bit superficial without any real depth to discussion, yet another indication that Social Media is devolving to the lowest common denominator. 

You should not be surprised that this blog will not be “monetized” (I despise that word) in any form. It is just a place for me to say what’s on my mind.


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