
Someone posted a bit on a boating forum that implied that S-glass wasn’t all that good a product. It may well have been a heavy handed attempt at sarcasm but it really riled me up, to the point that I responded. One of the initial phrases was “Having built a number of wood and foam strip canoes”. After I cooled off a bit I wondered, “How many boats have I built over the years”. Quite as few as it turns out. I sat down and tried to reconstruct more or less in order what I’d built and came up with thirty five. Really, that many? Yes probably so. Here’s the list with a few comments as I go. Numbers are more or less in sequence, but there is some overlap in places. (1) First Canoe , 65 years ago at the tender age of 16 I decided to build a real boat rather than the multitude of models built up to then. Steam bent ribs over a mold, covered with fine screen wire and then fiberglassed ~ 10 oz cloth and polyester resin. 15’ +/- long a little twisted and tender I paddled it f...